In 2007, the full name was changed to "Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement", pronounced 'soup', which allowed the same acronym to be maintained. The SEWP acronym originally (1993) referred to "Scientific and Engineering Workstation Procurement". The Program provides best value for the Federal Government and American taxpayer through innovative procurement processes, premier customer service and outreach, acquisition insight, and partnership with Government entities and Industry. The SEWP Program Office manages a suite of government-wide ICT and AV products and services contracts that enable NASA and all Federal Agencies to achieve their missions and strategic initiatives by providing streamlined access to critical technologies and solutions. In Fiscal Year 2020, SEWP was the top-rated federal GWAC for IT purchases. The article declares SEWP to be the " Gold Standard" in customer service and mentioned that SEWP assists industry as well as government users to ensure that the acquisition process flows smoothly. Washington Technology rated NASA SEWP as one of nine contracts in the Federal Government which have "changed how the government buys technology". Over 83% of FY20 spending through SEWP was secured by small business contracts. In FY20, SEWP processed more than 46,000 new orders, allocating more than $9 billion from 90 cabinet-level and independent agencies, commissions, boards and other Federal entities from over 1,300 sites around the world.

Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and managed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).Īll federal agencies, including the Department of Defense (DOD), and government contractors are able to purchase ICT and AV solutions (equipment and services) from SEWP-authorized resellers (known as "Contract Holders"). NASA's Solution for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP) is a United States Government-Wide Acquisition Contract ( GWAC) authorized by the U.S.